Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to Cities


Conversation Lessons related to Cities Category

Here is a list of conversation lessons that are related to cities.


More Questions for Speaking on Cities & Communities

Here is a list of topics related to cities for speaking


Community Questions

1. Where is your neighborhood located?

2. What are some places in your community that you regularly visit?

3. What are some of the differences between the community that you live in now and any other community where you have lived in the past?

4. What are some things that you do to participate in your community? (Examples: attend church, temple, or mosque, volunteer, participate in school activities, vote, etc.)

5. How can your community become a better place to live? What are some recommendations you would make if you talked to leaders in your community about improvements?

6. If you live in the United States, do you regularly meet with other members of the immigrant community? If so, what do you do? (For example, if you are Latino, do you attend Latino events and celebrations or support local Latino interests? )


Housing Questions

1. What kind of housing do you need for yourself or for you and your family right now? Consider all the different types of housing that are available. Do you have the kind of housing you need?

2. What does housing typically look like in the cities, the suburbs, and the rural areas of the country that you come from? (or in the country that you live in now if you don’t live in the U.S.)

3. What kind of housing did you grow up in? Describe the house and the people who lived in it.

4. What kind of housing would you like for yourself in the future, five or ten years from now?

5. Is good housing a problem in the country that you live in right now? Why?

6. What are some things that businesses or governments can do to make housing more affordable?


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