Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to Career and Work


Conversation Lessons related to Career Category

Here is a list of conversation lessons that are related to career and work.



More Questions for Speaking on Career

Here is a list of topics related to career for speaking

Job Search Questions

1. What kind of a job would you like to have in the future? Provide some reasons why you would like to have that job.

2. What can you do to prepare yourself to find a job in the profession that you choose?

3. How did you find the jobs that you have had in the past? If you haven’t worked very much outside of home, what do you think someone must do to find a job?

4. Have you ever tried to find a job online? How successful was your search?

5. Besides speaking English, what do you have the most trouble with when looking for work?

6. What do you want your teacher to do to help you find a job? Try to think of at least three or four things you need help with.


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