Conversation Tips for Hesitating Phrases in English


Ever get stuck in a conversation, mind going blank, and wish you had some magic words to buy you some time? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! There are some super helpful phrases you can use when you forget a word or need a moment to gather your thoughts.  These phrases are like little lifesavers for your fluency – they show the listener you’re still on track, and they give you a chance to regroup.  Let’s dive into these handy phrases!


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Hesitating Phrases in English

Hesitating Phrases


  1. It’s on the tip of my tongue


Use this phrase when you know the word, but it just slipped your mind.  The other person will be cool and wait for you to remember, or you can just keep talking without stressing about it.


  • I was just at the store and saw this amazing  … It’s on the tip of my tongue…  It’s a kind of fruit, but it’s green and really sour.  Anyway, I decided not to buy it.


  1. So, what I mean to say is…


Use this when your words are all jumbled up and you want to try again with a simpler explanation.


  • I was trying to explain that new video game I’m playing, but it’s hard to describe.  So what I mean to say is, it’s a lot like that one we used to play, but with more…  zombies?  Yeah, zombies.  And you can build things.


  1. It’ll come to me in a minute


Use this when you forget a word, an idea or a name. The phrase helps your fluency, because you can move on to your next idea.


  • We went to this awesome restaurant last night.  The food was so good…  And they had this amazing  …  It’ll come to me in a minute.  It was something with cheese and bread.  Anyway, I’ll remember later.


  1. So what was I saying?


Use this when you have to switch gears ( maybe someone interrupted) and you want to get back to what you were saying.  It gives you a second to remember your thoughts.


  • Oh, sorry!  Did you say something?  I was thinking about that new job I applied for.  Anyway, so what was I saying?  Oh yeah, I was asking about your weekend plans!


  1. What was I saying again?


You can use this in the same way as “So what was I saying?”


  • This is hilarious!  I forgot how this happened… What was I saying again?  Oh yeah, the time I accidentally went to the wrong store and bought a dozen  …  Oh, I can’t remember!  Maybe later.


Phrases when you forget a word


  1. What’s the word again?


Use this when you want someone to help you find the word.


  • We were talking about that new movie with the  … What’s the word again?  It’s like a robot, but it’s not really a robot.  You know, with the metal body?  …


  1. The thingummy (pronounced “thing-uhm-ee”)


This is a word you can use to replace the word that you’ve forgotten. (In particular, words for objects which have a technical purpose.)


  • Can you pass me that thingummy?  It’s the one you use to open the bottle.


  1. The whatchamacallit (pronounced “what-cha-ma-call-it”)


This is another word for “thingummy”.


  • The whatchamacallit is broken on my phone, so I can’t take pictures anymore.



So there you have it!  A little arsenal of phrases to help you navigate those sticky moments when you’re speaking English.  Remember, it’s okay to pause, it’s okay to hesitate, and it’s okay to ask for a little help.  These phrases are your friends – use them wisely and watch your fluency soar!



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Conversation Tips for Giving Orders and Instructions


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