Talking about Holidays in English


The holiday season brings a special energy, filled with family, friends, and traditions. As we navigate the festive season, it’s important to know how to connect with loved ones through conversations. This lesson will equip you with the right phrases and questions to talking about holidays in English

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How to Talk About Holidays in English

In English-speaking countries, during the Christmas period, many people take a break and enjoy time with their families. It is common to greet relatives with wishes for a Merry Christmas! Here are some useful phrases for this purpose.


Before the holidays


  • If I don’t see you before, have a lovely Christmas!
  • Have a great Christmas, won’t you!
  • Have a good one!
  • Happy Christmas to you!


Ask people about their plans


  • What are you up to over Christmas?
  • Got any plans for Christmas and New Year?
  • Are you at home over Christmas, or are you going away?


After the holidays


When individuals reunite following the New Year celebrations, they commonly exchange greetings like “Happy New Year!” It’s also common for them to ask about any New Year resolutions or discuss the Christmas and New Year holiday season in general.


Ask about the holidays


  • What did you do over Christmas?
  • What did you get up to?
  • Do anything exciting / special over the holidays?
  • Have you made any resolutions?


Ask about Christmas gifts


  • What did you get for Christmas?
  • Did Father Christmas bring you what you wanted for Christmas?


Give a vague reply


  • Nothing much.
  • Nothing special.
  • Oh, the usual…
  • Same old (= nothing new)


Give more information


(Did you have a good Christmas?)


  • It was great / fantastic / wonderful / lovely / thanks.
  • Really relaxing / Just what I needed.
  • We saw the in-laws / some of the family.
  • We got away for a couple of days.
  • We had a quiet one at home.


Ask the other person


To keep the conversation going, try returning the question.


  • What about you? (Did you have a) good Christmas?
  • And you? Did you see the New Year in? (to see the New Year in means to celebrate the New Year at midnight.



Whether you’re wishing someone a happy Christmas, asking about their plans, or reflecting on the holidays past, these phrases will help you navigate the festive season with ease and confidence.


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2 Word Phrases in English


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