Conversation Tips for Talking about Fears in English


Fear is a powerful emotion, and English has a rich vocabulary to describe its various shades and intensities. From mild unease to absolute terror, this lesson provides a comprehensive guide to expressing fear in English, with words, expressions, and examples to help you communicate your feelings effectively.


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Tips for Talking about Beliefs and Opinions


How to Talk about Fear in English



  • Afraid: I’m afraid of heights, so I won’t go near the edge of the cliff.


  • Frightened: I was frightened of being left by myself in the house.


  • Scared: She was scared to be alone in the house at night.


  • Feel uneasy: I felt uneasy about the strange noises coming from the attic.


  • Spooked: I’m not easily spooked.


  • Terrified: John is terrified of heights.


  • Petrified: I was petrified when the car skidded on the ice.




  • A terrifying ordeal


  • Send shivers down my spine


  • Scare the hell out of me


  • Frighten me to death


  • Frighten the life out of me


  • Shake with fear


  • Jump out of my skin


Examples of talking about fear in English

  1. I love watching horror movies, but I admit, I sometimes have to close my eyes during the really scary parts. I was petrified during that scene with the killer in the closet! It really frightens me to death.
  2. I’m really afraid of spiders. It’s not rational, but even a tiny spider can scare the hell out of me. I’m scared to go into my basement because I know there are spiders down there!
  3. I was terrified to give my presentation, but once I started speaking, I calmed down. My heart was racing, and I was shaking with fear. I really thought I was going to faint!



In English, the language is rich with words and expressions that vividly capture the essence of fear, making storytelling about frightening experiences more compelling. Whether it’s the fearful scenes from a horror film or the simple phrase that makes your hairs stand up, fear is a universal emotion that can be powerfully expressed through the diverse vocabulary provided by the English language. So next time you find yourself in a uncomfortable situation, remember the array of words and expressions available to articulate your fear effectively.


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Conversation Tips for Telling a Story


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