making a generalization in english

In English, we often prefer to avoid making definitive statements, opting instead for softer, more general observations. This tendency to generalize allows for a more open-minded approach to conversation. This lesson explores various ways in making a generalization in English, helping you sound more natural.


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Essential Weather Vocabulary in English


Phrases Used for Making Generalizations in English

To show that something is generally true

  • Tend to


I tend to get lost easily when I’m in a new city. (I usually get lost in new cities.)

  • Have a tendency to


Young children have a tendency to ask a lot of questions.


Note: “have a tendency to” is used more in written than in spoken English.


To show how common something is

  • Generally speaking


Generally speaking, people are more likely to be happy when they spend time outdoors.


  • In most cases


In most cases, people prefer to eat their meals at a table rather than on the couch.


  • In some cases


In some cases, people find it difficult to adjust to a new job.


  • In a large number of cases


In a large number of cases, people experience stress due to financial worries.


  • Mostly, often, sometimes


(These words go before the main verb, or after the verb to be)


We mostly eat at home during the week.


Doctors mostly recommend regular exercise for good health.


People often travel during the summer months.


Consuming bananas can sometimes be a trigger for migraines in some people.


To be vague rather than specific


You can also use phrases that refer to your personal experience, but which aren’t specific.


  • I’ve often found that…


I’ve often found that people are more willing to help when you ask politely.


  • In my experience…


In my experience, it’s always best to be prepared for the unexpected.



Learning the art of generalization is a valuable skill for any English speaker. It allows you to express your opinions and ideas in a way that is both polite and persuasive. By incorporating these techniques into your speech, you can sound more like a native speaker and create a more relaxed and engaging conversational style.



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Making Suggestion in English Grammar


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