Giving personal info in English


Sharing personal information is a common part of daily life, whether it’s filling out a form or simply introducing yourself. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding typical questions and providing accurate responses. Here are some typical questions and ways for giving personal information in English.


Previous Conversation Tip Lesson

Addressing People in English


Giving Personal Information


Question words


  • Who (asks for a name or person)
  • Whose (asks about the owner)
  • Why (asks for a reason)
  • Where (asks for a place)
  • What (asks about a thing or a concept)
  • Which (asks about a thing)
  • When (asks for a time)
  • How (asks about the way something happens)

(Also “how much” / “how many” to ask about quantity; “how long” to ask about duration; “how often” to ask about frequency.)


Remember the word order of questions:


(1. Question word – optional)

  1. Auxiliary do / does; verb to be
  2. Subject
  3. Verb + complement


  • (1)Where (2)does (2)he (4)work?
  • (1)Who (2)is (3)he?
  • (2)Do (3)they (4)like watching horror films?


If there is no question word, the question starts with the auxiliary. The answer to a question like this is “yes” or “no”.


Typical questions


  1. What’s your name?

(Give your first name then surname: “My name’s Sarah Johnson ” or “I’m Sarah Joshnson ”.)


What’s your first name?

– Sarah

What’s your surname / family name / second name?

– Johnson


On a form, you can often see abbreviations before your surname.

  • Mr (for a man)
  • Mrs / Miss / Ms (for a woman: Mrs shows you are married, Miss shows you are single, Ms is if you’d prefer not to show your marital status – the female equivalent of Mr)
  • Dr (to show the person is a medical doctor or has a PhD)


  1. What’s your date of birth?

It’s (day – month – year: “It’s the first of May, 1999”.)


When were you born?

(“On the first of May, 1999”.)

You can write 1 May 1999 or May 1, 1999. But when you say the date, use ordinal numbers:

1 – the first

2 – the second

3 – the third

4 – the fourth

5 – the fifth

6 – the sixth

7 – the seventh

8 – the eighth

9 – the ninth

10 – the tenth

11 – the eleventh

12 – the twelfth

20 – the twentieth

21 – the twenty-first

Either “the first of May, 1999” or “May the first, 1999”.


  1. What’s your marital status?

I’m married / single / divorced / widowed


Are you married?


  1. What’s your address?


Where do you live?

(Give the full address)

Name of the house (if there is one)

Street number and name

Town or city

County and Postcode



For example:

Green Cottage

33, Main Road

St Louis




Being able to provide personal information in English is an essential skill for various social and official situations. By familiarizing yourself with the typical questions and appropriate responses, you can have interactions with confidence. Remember, always prioritize your privacy and share information responsibly.


Next Conversation Tip Lesson

Making Appointments in English


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