Conversation Tips for Giving or Receiving Gifts


Giving and receiving presents is a common tradition in many cultures, and in English-speaking countries like USA, it holds special significance. Whether it’s for a birthday, Christmas, or any other occasion, the act of gifting is an important part of social interaction. English people generally open presents in front of the people who have given them, and at events like Christmas, families will open their presents together.


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Talk about Giving And Receiving Presents

Here are some key phrases to keep in mind when giving and receiving presents:


Giving a present to someone you know well


  • This is for you.


  • I thought you might like this for Christmas / your birthday …


  • It’s only something small, but I hope you like it.


  • I thought this might go well with your (new dress / Prada bag..)


  • I wasn’t sure what to get you but I hope you like it.


(If you don’t like it, you can always change it.)


  • Hold out your hands and close your eyes!


(Then you place the present into the person’s hands.)


Things to say when receiving a present


  • Thank you so much! It’s lovely / fantastic / wonderful.


  • It’s something I’ve always wanted!


  • It’s just what I’ve always wanted!


  • Wow! What a thoughtful present!


  • You shouldn’t have!


  • How did you guess! It’s just perfect, thank you so much!


If you don’t like something


  • Thank you so much!


  • How kind of you!


  • It’s lovely, thank you!


What to write on present tags


  • To (name of person receiving the present) with love from (name of person giving the present)


  • Wishing you a happy birthday, love (name of person giving)


  • With our love to you, (names of givers)


On a present to a non-family member


  • With best wishes for a happy Christmas, (name of person giving present)



With the right phrases, you can express your thoughtfulness, appreciation, and joy. So, the next time you find yourself surrounded by gifts and good cheer, be sure to use these expressions to make the occasion truly memorable.


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