Conversation Questions for Discussing Eye Contact

Intermediate Level Conversations- Series 2- Lesson 10

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing eye contact. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Eye Contact

Here is a list of 10 discussion questions with sample answers for practicing English speaking with your language partner.

  • Do you make eye contact while you are speaking English? Why or why not?

Yes, I do make eye contact when I speak English. It’s considered polite and respectful in most cultures, and it helps to show that I’m paying attention and engaged in the conversation.

  • Why is making eye contact important? Explain. 

Making eye contact is important because It shows that you value the other person and are taking them seriously. It also signals that you’re interested in what the other person has to say. Plus, maintaining eye contact can make you appear more confident and assertive.

  • Is making eye contact important in your culture? Explain. 

In Iran, there are some specific cultural nuances to consider when it comes to eye contact. In general, it’s considered respectful to make eye contact with people you know well, but direct eye contact with people you don’t know as well, especially those of the opposite gender, might be seen as too forward or even disrespectful. It’s a bit of a balancing act!

  • What can you learn about a person by making eye contact? Explain. 

You can learn a lot about a person by making eye contact. For example, you can get a sense of their emotions, their level of confidence, and even their interest in the conversation. If someone is avoiding eye contact, it might mean they’re shy, nervous, or even hiding something.

  • Can you think of some situations where eye contact should not be made? Explain. 

There are definitely some situations where it’s better to avoid prolonged eye contact. For example, you might want to avoid staring at someone who’s crying, or if you’re in a public place and someone is making you feel uncomfortable.

  • What is the difference between staring and making eye contact? Explain. 

The difference between staring and making eye contact is all about intention. Staring usually feels intrusive and uncomfortable, like you’re invading someone’s personal space. Eye contact, on the other hand, is a more balanced exchange of glances. It feels natural and respectful.

  • Why is making eye contact important in a job interview? Explain. 

Making eye contact in a job interview is incredibly important! It shows the interviewer that you’re confident, engaged, and interested in the position. It can make a big difference in how you’re perceived.

  • The eyes have been called “the window to the soul”. What do you think that means? Explain. 

I think “the eyes are the window to the soul” means that your eyes can reveal a lot about your inner thoughts, feelings, and personality.  They can reflect joy, sadness, anger, or even deceit. Sometimes, just a quick glance can tell you more than words can.

  • When you are telling someone something that you feel is important, what should your eye contact be? Explain. 

When I’m telling someone something I feel is important, my eye contact should be focused and consistent. It shows them that I’m serious and want them to really hear what I have to say.  But I don’t stare them down.

  • Is it OK if people look at something else while you are talking? Why or why not?

It’s okay for people to look at something else while I’m talking, especially if it’s a brief glance. But if someone constantly avoids my eye contact, it might indicate they’re not interested or paying attention.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about eye contact  you can use the below questions.

  1. Are there different rules for eye contact when you are addressing a person of higher status? Like the President or an elder? Explain.
  2. If you do not make eye contact what does that mean? Explain.
  3. If you make too much eye contact what does that mean? Explain.
  4. If you were lying, or not telling the whole truth, what would your eye contact be like?
  5. If you were giving a speech or talking with a crowd what would your eye contact be like?
  6. What are the rules for males and females talking to each other?
  7. If a woman looks directly at a man is she being too forward or sexually aggressive?
  8. Have you tried to use eye contact for finding a partner for sexual intercourse?
  9. What are other important body language signs beside eye contact? Explain
  10. When you have very deep emotion for someone, would eye contact and body language carry your message much stronger than words? Why or why not?


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Conversation Questions about Friendship


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