Conversation Questions for Discussing Childhood

Intermediate Level Conversations- Series 2- Lesson 1

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing childhood. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Conversation Questions about Goals and Wishes


Practice English Speaking by Talking about Childhood

Here is a list of 10 discussion questions with sample answers for practicing English speaking with your language partner.

  • What did you like to do when you were a child? Explain. 

As a child growing up in Iran, my favorite thing to do was playing with my friends in the park. We’d spend hours running around, playing hide-and-seek, or just chatting. I loved how much fun we’d have, and it was always so exciting to see who could be the most creative and think of the best hiding spots!

  • Who was your favorite teacher? Why?

My favorite teacher was Mrs. Akbari. She was incredibly kind and patient, and she had a way of making even the most challenging topics seem interesting. I loved her because she always encouraged us to think critically and to ask questions. She also told the best stories! She was like a storyteller who made learning an adventure!

  • What was your favorite subject? Why?

My favorite subject was literature! I loved reading stories and poems and learning about different cultures through them. It opened up a whole new world to me, and I always felt like I was on a journey whenever I read a book.

  • What was your favorite game? Why did you like it? 

My favorite game was hide-and-seek. I loved the thrill of hiding and the excitement of finding my friends. It was so much fun to think strategically and try to outsmart everyone! It was a fantastic way to exercise my creativity and have a blast with my friends!

  • Were you good at making friends? How did you make friends?

I was pretty good at making friends! I’m naturally outgoing and friendly, and I love meeting new people. I would always try to be kind and helpful to everyone, and I think that made it easy for people to become my friends.

  • Were you a good student? Why or why not?

I was a good student because I enjoyed learning new things. I was always curious, and I wanted to understand the world around me. I was also a bit of a perfectionist, so I always strived to do my best in school.

  • Did you enjoy going to school? Why or why not?

I generally enjoyed going to school because I loved learning and being with my friends. But sometimes, it was a little bit boring, and I wished we could do more fun activities!

  • What did you like about school? What didn’t you like about school?

I liked the feeling of accomplishment when I did well on tests and assignments, and I loved the chance to learn about new things.  But I wasn’t a big fan of homework!  Sometimes it felt like too much work!

  • Did you ever have an accident while playing in the street? What happened?

I did have a little accident once while playing in the street. I was running after a ball with my friends, and I tripped and fell, scraping my knee. It wasn’t too serious, but it did make me cry a little!

  • When you were a child, what did you want to grow up to be? Why?

When I was a child, I wanted to grow up to be a writer. I was fascinated by the power of words, and I loved creating stories that took people to different worlds. I also thought it would be amazing to share my ideas with the world and inspire others. I believed that writers could make a difference by changing people’s perspectives and making the world a better place.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about childhood, you can use the below questions.

  1. What was your favorite toy when you were a child? Who gave you this toy? Did it have a name? Do you still have it?
  2. What was your worst punishment as a child? Explain.
  3. What were your favorite cartoons and TV shows? Why did you like them?
  4. Did you have a happy childhood? Why or why not?
  5. What did you enjoy doing with your friends? Why?
  6. What were some embarrassing situations when you were a child? Explain.
  7. Can you remember specific things from your childhood clearly? What are they?
  8. Who took care of you when you were little? A parent? A grandparent? A nanny? A daycare center?
  9. How are you similar to your parents? How are you different?
  10. Did you like doing homework when you were a child? Why or why not?


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