Conversation Questions for Discussing Entertainment

Intermediate Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 3

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing entertainment. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Entertainment

Here is a list of 10 discussion questions with sample answers for practicing English speaking with your language partner.

  • Do you like to watch cartoons? Why or why not? 

I’m not really into cartoons, to be honest. They’re usually too childish for me, but I do enjoy some animated movies.

  • Have you ever been to a play? If so, how was it?

I haven’t been to a play yet, but I’d love to! I hear it’s a very different experience compared to watching a movie. I think it’s exciting to be part of a live performance.

  • Have you ever used a slot machine? If so, how was it?

Slot machines? I’ve seen them, but I don’t gamble. Honestly, it’s not really a big thing in my culture, and it feels a bit risky to me.

  • Do you go to parties? Why or why not?

Parties are fun, but I don’t go to them often. It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I’m not really a party person. I prefer to spend time with a few close friends instead of being in a big crowd.


  • Do you read comic books? Why or why not? 

Comic books are pretty cool! I like the art style and the stories, though I don’t read them as much as I used to. I’m more into novels these days.

  • Should books be censored? Why or why not? 

Censorship is a tricky topic. While I believe in freedom of speech, I also think there should be limits to prevent harmful content from being spread. It’s a tough balance to strike.

  • Do you often go drinking? Where? Who with? How often?

Drinking is not something I do. It’s against my religion, and I personally don’t enjoy it. Alcohol isn’t as common in Iran as it is in other parts of the world.

  • What are some forms of gambling people do in your country? Explain. 

Gambling in Iran is illegal, except for the national lottery. There are also some underground gambling activities, but it’s risky and not something I’d ever do.

  • What are some games that you don’t like to play? Why?

Games? I’m not a big fan of violent video games. They just don’t appeal to me. I prefer strategy games or puzzle games that make me think.

  • What is the best book you have ever read? Explain. 

The best book I’ve ever read? That’s a tough one! I’ve read so many amazing books, but I’d have to say “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It’s a beautiful story about following your dreams and finding your purpose. It really resonated with me.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about entertainment, you can use the below questions.


  1. What are some of the good movies you have seen? Explain.
  2. What are some things you can do without spending a cent? Explain.
  3. What computer games have you played? Which are your favorites?
  4. What do you do in your spare time? Explain.
  5. What do you like to do on a night out? Explain.
  6. What games are popular in your country? Why are they popular?
  7. What is your favorite holiday? Why?
  8. What kind of music do you like? Explain.
  9. What singer would you most like to meet? Why?
  10. What’s the most popular holiday in your country? How is it celebrated?



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