Conversation Questions for Discussing Dating and Relationship

Intermediate Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 8

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing dating and relationship. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Dating & Relationship

Here is a list of 10 discussion questions with sample answers for practicing English speaking with your language partner.

  • Describe a perfect date.

Hmm, well, it’s not about fancy places or expensive gifts for me. It’s about connection and genuine moments. Imagine a walk through a bustling bazaar, maybe stopping for some delicious street food. We could talk about anything, sharing dreams, hopes, and even fears. It’s about those little moments, you know?

  • Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date.

I’m drawn to guys who have a kind smile and warm eyes, like they’re always up for a good laugh or a deep conversation.  I love a guy who’s confident but not cocky, you know? Someone who’s comfortable in their own skin and makes me feel safe and happy.

  • Describe the character of the person you would like to date.

I want someone with a kind heart and a sharp mind. A good sense of humor is a must, someone who can make me laugh even on the toughest days! Maybe someone who loves to travel and explore, someone who’s not afraid to be a little adventurous.  And I’d appreciate someone who respects our culture and is willing to learn more about it.

  • Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain. 

Hmmm, I wouldn’t say it’s love, but it can be an instant spark of attraction. It’s like that feeling when you meet someone new and you just know you want to get to know them better. Love is a deeper connection that develops over time, with shared experiences, trust, and understanding.

  • Have you ever been on a blind date? Explain. 

Never! I’m a little too cautious for that! But I can imagine it could be a fun adventure.

  • Do you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner? Explain. 

I think fairy tales can definitely influence our expectations of love. They paint a picture of perfect romance, which can be unrealistic.  But they also teach us about values like kindness, courage, and the importance of standing up for what you believe in. I think it’s about finding that balance between the romantic ideals and the reality of love.

  • Is going out on dates important for you? Why or why not?

Yes, absolutely! They’re a way to get to know someone better, to see if there’s a connection. They can be fun and exciting, but also a way to learn more about yourself and what you’re looking for in a relationship.

  • If you could go out with anyone, who would it be? Explain. 

Hmmm, that’s a tough one! Maybe someone who inspires me, like a writer or an artist, someone with a creative mind and a passion for life.  It’d be fascinating to hear their stories and learn from their experiences.

  • What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend? Explain. 

Honesty, respect, kindness, and a willingness to learn. Someone who challenges me, makes me think, and supports my dreams. Someone who’s not afraid to be vulnerable and share their true self.


  • What is your definition of love? Explain.

Love is a journey, not a destination. It’s about growing together, supporting each other through the good and the bad, and learning to be the best versions of ourselves.  It’s about understanding, forgiveness, and celebrating each other’s unique qualities. And, most importantly, it’s about having fun along the way!


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about dating and relationship, you can use the below questions.


  1. Do you think that age gap is important when dating? Why or why not?
  2. Would you date someone much older or younger than you? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think blind dates are a good way to meet someone special? Why or why not?
  4. What do you think about internet dating? Explain.
  5. Have you ever met the man/woman of your dreams? Explain.
  6. Can you tell us about your first date?
  7. Is the first impression important? Why or why not?
  8. Would you share the bill? Or is it the man’s role? Why?
  9. What things would you talk about on your first date? Explain.
  10. Would you behave formally or these days it isn’t necessary? Explain.


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