Conversation Questions for Discussing Television

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 4- Lesson 4

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing TV. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about TV

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of TV and TV shows..


  • What is your favorite device for watching movies- laptop, smartphone or TV? Why?

Well, I’d say I prefer watching movies on my laptop, it’s so convenient! I can watch them in bed, on the couch, or even at the park. Plus, the screen is bigger than my phone, so it’s a much better experience. The TV is nice too, but it’s not as portable, and sometimes the quality isn’t as good as my laptop.


  • Do you prefer listening to the radio or watching TV? Why or why not? 

I think I’d have to say TV. It’s just more engaging! I love to watch movies and TV shows, and I find it hard to concentrate on the radio while doing other things. Plus, TV is more visually stimulating, which is something I really enjoy. But I do like listening to music on the radio sometimes when I’m working or relaxing.


  • Do you think it is good for children to watch TV? Why or why not?

It’s definitely a tricky one! I think it’s important for kids to have a balance. Too much TV can be bad, but it can also be a great way for them to learn and be entertained. I think it’s important for parents to choose age-appropriate shows and limit screen time. And it’s also crucial for them to engage with their kids about what they’re watching and discuss the messages in the shows.


  • Do you prefer watching movies or TV show series? Why?

Hmmm, that’s a tough choice! Both have their pros and cons. I love the immersion of a good TV series. You get to really know the characters and follow their stories over time.  But, I also enjoy the completeness of a good movie. It’s like a journey that starts and ends in a single sitting. So, I guess I can’t really pick one! It depends on my mood.


  • Do you think there is too much violence on TV? How?

I definitely think there’s a lot of violence on TV.  Sometimes it’s realistic, and sometimes it’s exaggerated for dramatic effect.  It’s important to remember that violence on TV can influence people, especially children. It can make them more desensitized to violence in real life. It’s also important to note that the media often portrays violence in a way that doesn’t accurately reflect the real-world consequences of violence.


  • Do you like to watch old TV shows? Why or Why not?

I definitely like watching old TV shows! They’re often so different from the shows we see today. They offer a glimpse into the past and can be really interesting to see how people lived and thought back then.  I love seeing how technology has changed and how societal norms have evolved. Plus, some old TV shows are just plain hilarious!


  • What are the advantages/ disadvantages of watching TV?

Watching TV can be a great way to relax and unwind.You can also learn about current events, different cultures, and other topics. Plus, watching TV with family and friends can strengthen bonds. Besides, TV can provide a way to escape from reality and escape into different worlds.

On the other hand, TV can be addictive and can lead to people spending too much time watching it. As mentioned before, TV can expose people to violence and other unhealthy content that can have negative effects. Plus, Watching TV can be a very passive activity, which can lead to a lack of physical activity and engagement in other activities.


  • Will new technology gadgets like Smartphones replace TV in near future? Expain

It’s definitely possible!  Smartphones are already becoming more and more powerful, and they offer a lot of the same features as TVs. They can stream movies and shows, play games, and even connect to the internet. Plus, they’re portable, which makes them even more convenient. However, TVs still have some advantages, like their larger screens and better sound quality. So, I think TVs will still be around for a while. But, I do think smartphones will play a bigger role in our entertainment lives in the future.


  • What kind of TV shows do you like & dislike? Why?

I love comedies.They make me laugh and take my mind off things.  I also enjoy dramas that are well-written and thought-provoking.  I dislike reality TV. It often feels shallow and unrealistic. I also try to avoid shows that are too violent or graphic, as I find them disturbing.


  • Do you like to watch movies with or without commercials? Explain

I definitely prefer to watch movies without commercials. It’s so distracting to be interrupted every few minutes. I like to be fully immersed in the story and enjoy the experience without being pulled out of it. I’ll watch movies with commercials sometimes if I have no other choice, but it’s definitely not my preference.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation on TV, you can use the below questions.


  1. Does TV make a person passive? Does TV take away a person’s ability to think for himself or herself? Explain.
  2. Do you like watching TV alone or with your family? Why?
  3. Is television one of the best inventions of all time? Explain.
  4. What do you think of the “rubbish” programs on TV which are only dedicated to gossip about famous or pseudo famous people?
  5. Can the programs you watch affect your behavior? Why or why not?
  6. How do you feel when watching explicit scenes on TV with your parents? How do your parents usually react?
  7. What kind of entertainment do children like? Explain.
  8. Do you like Reality Shows? Why or Why not?
  9. What do you think of TV shows that are designed to “discover new talent?” Explain.
  10. Do you think that TV makes people lazy? Why or why not?



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