Conversation Questions for Discussing Airplane

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 4- Lesson 5

In this lesson, you learn 10 questions with sample answers for having a normal conversation discussing airplanes. We also have added 10 extra conversation questions if you decide to extend your discussion.


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Practice English Speaking by Talking about Airplanes

Here are some engaging questions with sample answers that delve into various aspects of airplanes and the aviation industry..

  • Do you like to travel by airplane? Why or why not?

I actually do! I love the feeling of being up in the air and seeing the world from above. It’s such a unique perspective, and it makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger. Plus, flying is a pretty efficient way to travel long distances. You can get to your destination quickly and often without having to worry about traffic.

  • What seat do you prefer: window, center or aisle? Why?

I’d have to say window, I love being able to look out at the clouds and the scenery below. It’s so relaxing and peaceful to just stare out the window and let my mind wander.  Plus, I don’t have to worry about people getting up and down all the time, which can be annoying.

  • What are three things you’re supposed to do before the flight takes off? Explain. 

Great question! Three things we should do before takeoff include making sure our bags are securely stowed in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of us. We also need to be securely fastened in case of any turbulence or other unexpected events. Plus, we should put our seat in the upright position.It helps ensure that there’s enough space for everyone to exit the plane in case of an emergency.

  • What do you like to do during the flight? Does the plane provide anything to do to pass the time?

During flights, I love to read. It’s the perfect time to catch up on a good book. Sometimes I’ll also listen to music or watch a movie, if they have a screen in front of me. And I love to look out the window and watch the world go by.

  • Is it safer to travel by air than by car? Explain.

It’s a bit complicated! Statistically, flying is generally considered safer than driving. Planes are very well-maintained and are subject to strict safety regulations. Plus, pilots are highly trained professionals who undergo rigorous training.  However, car accidents are still more frequent, which makes it seem like driving is more dangerous. Ultimately, both modes of transportation have their risks.

  • Have you ever met anyone or established any relationships during a flight? Explain.

I haven’t met anyone special on a flight yet, but I’ve met some interesting people! I remember one time I was sitting next to a woman who was on her way to visit her family in Europe. She told me all about her life and her family, and it was really fascinating to learn about her experiences. We even exchanged contact information and stayed in touch for a while.

  • Would you like to be a flight attendant? What are the benefits and /or downfalls?

It’s a really interesting job! I think it would be exciting to travel to different places and meet new people. Plus, flight attendants have a lot of responsibility, which I find appealing. They have to make sure passengers are safe and comfortable, and they also have to deal with all kinds of situations. It seems like a challenging but rewarding job. But there are downsides too. The work can be long and demanding, and flight attendants often have to work unusual hours. It can be stressful dealing with difficult passengers, and they’re always on their feet, which can take a toll physically.

  • Would you rather have a younger, more beautiful/handsome flight attendant or an older, more experienced one? Explain.

I would definitely prefer an older, more experienced flight attendant.They have more knowledge and training, and they’ve likely dealt with a wider range of situations. I trust their judgment and feel more secure knowing they have experience. I’m not really concerned about their age or appearance – I just want someone who is professional and capable.

  • What are the advantages/ disadvantages of traveling by airplane?

Airplanes are the fastest way to travel long distances. You can often get to your destination in one trip, without having to worry about multiple transfers or layovers. Modern airplanes are designed with comfort in mind, and they often offer amenities like entertainment systems, food, and drinks.

On the other hand, flying can be expensive, especially for long-haul flights.You have to go through security checks at the airport, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. Plus, air travel contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Do you prefer to travel by air or sea? Why? 

Honestly, it depends on the situation! If I’m traveling a long distance, I’d choose to fly. It’s the fastest and most convenient option. But, if I’m looking for a more relaxing and scenic experience, I’d choose to travel by sea. I love the feeling of being on a ship, and it’s a great way to enjoy the scenery and relax.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation on an airplane, you can use the below questions.


  1. Have you ever seen terrorists on planes? Explain.
  2. What are pros and cons of traveling by a private jet? Explain.
  3. Do you prefer to fly in big planes or small planes? Why?
  4. Do you think being a pilot is a good job? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever gone sky-diving? Why or why not?
  6. If you have a choice between an airplane and a fast train, which one do you choose? Why?
  7. Do you enjoy the food on airplanes? Why or why not?
  8. Do you buy flight tickets by yourself or via a travel agency? Why?
  9. Do you enjoy talking with strangers on an airplane? Why or why not?
  10. What are some movies you remember seeing on the plane?


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