Conversation Questions for Phone Conversations

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 2- Lesson 6

If you’re looking to level up your phone skills in English, you have come to the right place as this lesson teaches you how to do so.  When it comes to phone conversations, we’ve all one way or another experienced some communication difficulties, so this lesson is here to help you conquer your phone call  miscommunications with confidence. Let’s get you speaking like a pro!


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Essential English phrases and tips for phone conversations


Making phone calls in English might seem challenging, but it’s simpler than you might expect! Whether you’re traveling abroad or working for an international company, being able to communicate in English over the phone is essential. Take a moment to master this skill with some easy English telephone phrases and tips.


Introduce yourself first

When you answer the phone, it’s like meeting someone face-to-face. You gotta introduce yourself!  Just say ‘Hello, this is (your name)’ so they know who’s on the other end. And if they don’t tell you their name, you can politely ask ‘May I ask who’s calling, please?’  Practice saying these phrases so you feel comfortable from the start.


Use polite questions with ‘may’ and ‘could’

When you want to talk to someone specific, don’t just demand it. Say something like ‘May I speak to Rachel Smith, please?’ or ‘Could I speak to Rachel Smith, please?’  It sounds much nicer, right?  And when you’re explaining why you’re calling, use a polite question too.  For example, if you’re calling a hotel, say ‘Could I talk to someone about booking a room, please?’  It shows you’re respectful.


Holding and transferring a phone call

When someone asks you to ‘hold’ on a call, it just means they need you to ‘wait’ a bit. Don’t panic, they’ll get back to you! When they’re ready to connect you to the person you want to speak to, they’ll say something like ‘I’ll transfer you’ or ‘I’ll put you through.’  So, if you hear ‘Please hold… Ok, I’ll put you through to Rachel Jackson, it means you’ll be talking to Rachel soon!


Leaving a message

When you call someone and they’re not there, you can leave a message in two ways:  a voicemail or a note.  It’s basically the same thing – just say your name, why you called, and your number so they can call you back!


Even if you’re a native speaker, sometimes it’s hard to understand someone on the phone, especially if the line is bad.  Don’t be shy to ask them to repeat what they said!  You can say something like, ‘Sorry, I’m having a hard time hearing. Could you speak a little slower?’  or ‘I missed that. Could you say it again?


Write it down

It’s super easy to forget what you wanted to say when you’re nervous about a call. So, write down the main points you want to cover. And if there are any words that always trip you up, jot them down too!  You’ll feel much more confident. Also, leave some space next to any questions you have in your notes so you can write down the answers while you’re talking. That way, you won’t forget what they said!



Most phone calls are pretty straightforward. For complicated stuff, people usually prefer meetings or emails. Just start confidently, remember your usual phone phrases, have your notes handy, and don’t be afraid to ask someone to slow down or repeat themselves if you need to. You’ll be a phone call pro in no time!



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