Conversation Questions for Discussing Holidays

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 2- Lesson 7

Holidays and their observance play a very important role in the culture of all countries around the world. Thus, it is one of most sought-after topics for English discussions and conversations. In this lesson, we provide you with essential questions to talk about holidays.


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Discuss Holidays and Holiday Trips in English


Almost every country in the world has at least one or two major annual holidays. Majority of countries regard new year as their most important annual holiday, so discuss the below questions for the New Year holiday in your country:

  1. Does your family celebrate this holiday?
  2. When does the celebration for this holiday generally start & end? Are there popular activities during each day of holiday? Explain activities
  3. Are there special foods connected with the holiday? explain
  4. Is gift giving a part of this holiday? Are there specific types of gifts to be given? explain
  5. What are some of the things that are done to show that this holiday is being observed?
  6. What does the holiday stand for? Why is this holiday celebrated? explain
  7. Are the banks, post offices or schools closed for this holiday?
  8. Do you enjoy the holiday? Why or why not?
  9. Do you decorate the inside and outside of your house for the holiday? explain
  10. Are there special songs associated with the holiday? explain
  11. Are there parties during this holiday? Are these for adults, children or both? explain
  12. How many different nationalities or ethnic groups do you see celebrating this holiday? explain
  13. What do you usually do for this holiday? explain
  14. Would you like to go on a vacation during this holiday? Why or why not?
  15. Is this holiday your most favorite holiday of the year? Why or why not?


Note: in addition to or instead of New Year, you and your language partner can use above 15 questions to discuss other popular holidays like a famous religious ceremony in your country.


Questions for traveling during holidays

For traveling during holidays, you and your language partner can discuss below questions:

  1. Compare the experience of being a tourist with being an international student for a short trip during a holiday
  2. In your opinion, what are the five most essential items to pack on any holiday? why?
  3. Who do you know that really needs a holiday, and why? Where should they go and what should they do?
  4. Compare the experience of camping in a tent with staying in a five star hotel.
  5. Compare traveling alone to traveling with a companion.
  6. Compare package tours with do-it-yourself tours
  7. What are your top destinations for traveling during holidays? why?
  8. How often do you travel during holidays? Why?
  9. What is your favorite travel companion during your trip on holidays? Why?
  10. If you decide to travel and have enough money, how would you pick places for each holiday?


Additional questions for discussion on holidays

For more in-depth discussions on holidays, you can use below 10 questions:.

  1. Do you think holidays are important? Why?
  2. What kinds of things do you like to do on the holidays?
  3. Do you ever feel blue during the holidays? What do you do about it?
  4. How many holidays do you have in your country? Explain 3 more popular ones?
  5. What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it.
  6. What are three holidays that you like to spend with your family?
  7. If you had a long holiday, what would you do with it? explain
  8. Do you like to stay up late on holidays? Why?
  9. What holiday is the most exciting in your country? why?
  10. What do you think of Father’s Day? Mother’s Day? Parent’s Day? explain



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Conversation Questions about Travel


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