Conversation Questions for Discussing Foods

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 2- Lesson 3

This list is about food – something we all love to talk about! It explores different aspects of food preferences, from childhood favorites to favorite cuisines, and even how we eat when we’re feeling down or up. It’s a fun way to get to know someone’s taste or preferences and explore their relationship with food.


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Questions For Getting To Know Each Other


Practice English Speaking by Talking about Foods

Here is a list of 10 discussion questions with sample answers for practicing English speaking with your language partner.

  • Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you eat now? Explain.

Hmm, I used to be really picky about food. I didn’t like Ash Reshteh, but now I actually love it!  It’s so flavorful and comforting, especially when it’s cold outside. Also, when I was younger, I didn’t like sour tastes too much, but now I eat them all the time. Maybe my taste buds are changing!

  • Do you cook? If yes, what food do you cook the most often?

Yes, I cook! I love cooking! I make khoresht a lot, like Gheymeh and Fesenjan. They’re both so delicious! And Omelet is my go-to for a quick and easy meal.

  • Do you ever skip breakfast? If so, how often and why?

Sometimes, I do. When I’m in a hurry, I skip breakfast. I know it’s not good, but I’m really busy with school and other things.


  • Do you have a favorite cafe? If so, where is it? Why do you like it?

Yes, I do! There’s this cafe called Cafe Anahel. It’s close to my school, and they have the best coffee in the world! The design is also amazing. I love the atmosphere there too.  It’s so cozy and relaxing.

  • Do you like to try new food and drinks? Why or why not?

Yes, I do as long as they are healthy. I would rather not eat in a fast food restaurant or places that serve processed foods. I like to drink alcohol every now and then but prefer not to get drunk. Also, every month we try to check out new bars in our city.

  • Do you like Chinese/ Thai/ Spanish/ American/ Mozambican/ French/ Italian food? Why or why not?

I’ve only tried Chinese and Italian food. I like Chinese food, especially Chow Mein.  It’s so flavorful and has a lot of vegetables. I’ve also tried pizza and pasta from Italy.  They’re okay, but I prefer Iranian food.

  • Do you like deep fried food? Why or why not?

I like it sometimes! I mean, who doesn’t love fried chicken or french fries. But I try to limit it because it’s not the healthiest choice. Perhaps the western people are more comfortable with eating fast and processed foods than Iranian people.

  • Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most?

Yes, I do! I like trying new foods from other countries. Honestly, it’s hard to pick just one favorite. I love the spicy curries of Thailand, the fresh and vibrant flavors of Mexican food, the hearty stews and dumplings of Eastern Europe, and the delicate and artistic presentation of Japanese cuisine.

  • Do you like to eat junk food? Why or why not?

I’m not gonna lie, I love junk food. Who doesn’t love a good burger and fries every now and then?  It’s just so satisfying and comforting, especially when you’re stressed or feeling down.

But, I try to be mindful about it and to eat it in moderation. It’s tempting because it’s so tasty, but I know it’s not good for me. So I try to balance it out with healthy meals and regular exercise.

  • Do you often eat out? Why or why not?

Of course!  Food is one of the best things in life! I love trying new foods and exploring different cuisines. It’s a way to connect with people and experience different cultures.


Additional questions for conversation

For a longer conversation about food, you can use the below questions.


  1. Do you like to make cakes? Why or why not
  2. In your opinion, what are pros and cons of fasting (like muslims do in the month of Ramadan)?
  3. Do you prefer fish or meat? Why?
  4. Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home? Why?
  5. Do you prefer your own country’s food or other kinds of food? Explain.
  6. Do you think a vegetarian diet is better than a diet that includes meat? Explain.
  7. Have you ever been on a diet? If so, how long did you stay on it?
  8. How much and what do you eat when you are sad or happy? Explain.
  9. How often do you go drinking? What’s your favorite drink?
  10. Is there any food that you really dislike to eat? Why?


Next Conversation Lesson

Conversation Questions about Breakfast


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