Conversation Questions inside Restaurant

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 9

Eating out can be a fun experience, but ordering food in a different language can sometimes be a little nerve-wracking. Don’t worry, though! This lesson provides useful phrases for each step of a restaurant visit, ensuring you communicate effectively and enjoy your meal.


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Conversation Questions inside Hotel


Small Talk in a Restaurant in English

Booking a Table

  • I booked a table for two for … (8pm).
  • It’s under the name of …
  • A table for two please.


What the restaurant staff say:


  • Of course. Please come this way.


  • Your table isn’t quite ready yet.
  • Would you like to wait in the bar?
  • We’re fully booked at the moment. Could you come back a bit later?


Ask about the Menu

These are phrases you can ask the waiter if you aren’t sure of something on the menu.

  • What’s … exactly?
  • Is this served with … (salad)?
  • Does this have any … (seafood) in it?
  • What do you recommend?


Ordering Foods

What the waiter says:

  • Are you ready to order?
  • Can I take your order?
  • Anything to drink?
  • Would you like … (chips) with that?


What the customer says:

  • I’ll have…
  • I’d like…
  • Can I have …
  • We’d like to order …


If there are problems with the order, the waiter can say:

  • I don’t think we have any more … (lobster) left. I’ll check with the kitchen.
  • I’m sorry, but the king prawn soup is finished.


Talk about Problems

The customer can say:

  • Excuse me, but I didn’t order this.
  • I’m sorry, but this is cold.
  • Can I change my order please?


The waiter can say:

  • I’m so sorry about that…
  • Let me take it back for you. (take it back = return it to the kitchen)
  • Let me change it for you.


Getting the Check

  • Can we have the check please?
  • Could we get the Check?
  • Could we pay please?

(“bill” in British English; “check” in American English.)


Conversation Questions for Restaurants & Eating Out

If you like to open up a discussion or practice English conversation by talking about restaurants and eating foods out, you can use the below questions. The below answers are just sample responses to each discussion question.


  • Where do you usually go when you eat out? Why?

Well, it depends! Sometimes I go to a Kebab Place with my friends. Other times, we like to try new restaurants.There are so many great places in Istanbul with different cuisines like Lebanese and Italian. I also like going to cafes with my friends to have a cup of coffee, it’s so yummy and a good way to relax.


  • Do you like western food? Why or why not?

I’ve tried some western food, like pizza and pasta. They’re okay, but I prefer Iranian food. It’s so flavorful! We have a lot of spices and herbs that make the food really unique.


  • Do you ever eat at a Fast Food restaurant? Why or why not?

Hmm, not really. I’ve only been to McDonalds a couple of times, but I don’t go there often. I like the taste of Iranian food more! Besides, sometimes I don’t like eating at places that are so fast-food focused. I prefer to take my time and enjoy a meal.


  • Do you worry about calories and fat content when you eat out? Explain.

It depends. Sometimes I think about it, but I try not to worry too much. I mean, I’m a girl, I like to eat! But I do try to make healthy choices when I can.


  • How have your eating habits changed over the years? Explain.

I think I’ve become more adventurous with my food. I used to eat the same things all the time, but now I’m more willing to try new things. I also try to eat more fruits and vegetables because it’s important for my health.


  • What’s the worst experience you ever had at a restaurant? Explain.

Once I went to a restaurant with my family, and the food was awful! It was really salty and not even cooked properly. The service wasn’t good either. I was so disappointed.


  • Do you like eating at buffets? Why or why not?

I’ve never been to a buffet! It’s not really common here in Iran. But it sounds interesting! I love trying new things, so maybe I’d like it.


  • Have you ever eaten at an all you can eat restaurant? Explain.

No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard of them.  I think it’s an interesting concept. I like eating a lot, so maybe I’d like to try one.


  • Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why?

I’m not sure! Maybe it’s because of their diets? I think westerners eat a lot of processed food, and they don’t always eat as much fruit and vegetables. So though I am fine trying new restaurants, I would rather stick with healthy foods.


  • Do you ever order out from a restaurant? What kind of foods and why? 

Yes, I do! Sometimes, I order pizza or sandwiches with my friends. It’s so convenient to have food delivered when you don’t want to cook.



More Conversation Questions for Restaurants

For a longer conversation inside a restaurant, you can use the below questions.

  1. In your opinion, what are pros and cons of eating out compared to cooking at home?
  2. Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care about?
  3. What do you think about children crying in a restaurant when you are trying to eat?
  4. What types of takeout food do you enjoy eating? Name.
  5. What do you think about people smoking in a restaurant when you are trying to eat?
  6. Do you prefer fresh ingredients prepared by a chef as you order or do you prefer pre-cooked food? Explain.
  7. Do you know how to order food in English? Explain.
  8. Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages when you eat out? What do you drink?
  9. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? How long?
  10. In what ways have people’s eating habits changed over the years?



So, whether you’re booking a table, asking about the menu, or talking about a little problem in your order, you’ll find some handy phrases to help you out. In this lesson, we also provide you with a list of 20 discussion questions to talk about restaurants and dining out with your language partner and friends. With this lesson, you’ll be ready to tackle any dining scenario and enjoy every moment of your meal! Enjoy your meal!


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Conversation Questions about Shopping Part 1


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