Conversation Questions inside Hotel

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 8

Ever wondered what it’s like to check into a fancy hotel? Whether making a reservation, checking in, or checking out, knowing the right terminology and procedures can enhance your experience. This lesson presents typical dialogues that happen at Hilton Hotel, illustrating how guests interact with hotel staff during various stages of their stay.


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Main Dialogues related to Hotel & Lodging in English

Below are some typical dialogues between a hotel receptionist at the Hilton Hotel and a guest.

Making Reservations for Hotel or Lodging Rooms

Here is a sample dialogue for booking a hotel room.

  • Receptionist: Good afternoon, The Hilton Hotel. How can I help you?
  • Client: Hi, I’d like to book a room for next week, from Tuesday to Friday. Do you have any vacancies?
  • R: Let me check our system… Yes, we have some rooms available. What kind of room would you prefer?  Single, double, or maybe a suite with a view?
  • C:  A double room would be great.  And if possible, I’d love a room with a balcony overlooking the city.
  • R: We have a few rooms like that left.  The rate for that type of room is $650 per night.  Could I get your name and phone number please?
  • C: Tom Johnson and my cell phone number is 875-29356.
  • R: Great. Now I’ll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you. What type of card is it?
  • C: Visa. The number is 989844301.
  • R: And what is the name of the cardholder?
  • C: Tom Johnson.
  • R: Alright, Mr. Johnson, your reservation has been made for next week, from Tuesday to Friday. Check-in is at 4 o’clock. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us.
  • C: Great, thank you so much.
  • R: My pleasure. We’ll see you later Mr. Johnson. Have a nice day.


Checking-In at a Hotel or Lodging

Here are three sample dialogues for checking-in to your hotel or lodging.


  • Hotel: Good evening, welcome to the Hilton.  Do you have a reservation?
  • Guest: Yes, I do. It’s under the name Johnson.
  • Hotel: One moment please… Ah yes, Mr. Johnson. We have a double room with a balcony for you. Is that right?
  • Guest: Yes, it is.
  • Hotel: Excellent. We already have your credit card information on file. If you’ll just sign the receipt along the bottom, please.
  • Guest: Whoa! Five hundred and ninety dollars a night!
  • Hotel: Yes, sir. We are a five star hotel after all.
  • Guest: Well, fine. I’m here on business anyway, so at least I’m staying on the company’s dime. What’s included in this cost anyway?
  • Hotel: A full Continental buffet every morning, free airport shuttle service, and use of the hotel’s safe are all included.
  • Guest: So what’s not included in the price?
  • Hotel: Well, you will find a mini-bar in your room. Use of it will be charged to your account. Also, the hotel provides room service, at an additional charge of course.
  • Guest: Hmm. Ok, so what room am I in?
  • Hotel: Room 304. Here is your key. To get to your room, take the elevator on the right up to the fourth floor. Turn right once you exit the elevator and your room will be on the left hand side. A bellboy will bring your bags up shortly.
  • Guest: Great. Thanks.
  • Hotel: Should you have any questions or requests, please dial ‘O’ from your room. Also, there is internet available in the lobby 24 hours a day.
  • Guest: Ok, and what time is check-out?
  • Hotel: At midday, sir.
  • Guest: Ok, thanks.
  • Hotel: My pleasure, sir. Have a wonderful stay at the Hilton Hotel.



  • Guest: Hey, I have a reservation under John Bolten. Just checking in.
  • Hotel: Welcome, Mr. Bolten!  Let me see your ID, please? And do you happen to have a credit card handy?
  • Guest: Sure thing! Here’s my ID and my VISA. I’m a bit of a techie, so any chance you have a fast Wi-Fi connection in the room?  I need to get some work done.
  • Hotel: Absolutely! We have high-speed Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. Your room is 507, a spacious queen bed, nonsmoking.  Enjoy your stay!



  • Guest: Hi there, we’re the Bolten family. We have a reservation.
  • Hotel: Welcome to the hotel, Mr. Bolten! Is this for two adults and any little ones?
  • Guest: That’s right! We’ve got two kids with us.
  • Hotel: Perfect! We can get you a family room. Could I see your ID and your credit card?
  • Guest: Of course. Here you go.  We’re super excited to be here!
  • Hotel: Great!  You’re in room 507, a spacious family suite. We have a few board games in the lobby if you need to keep the kids entertained.  Let me know if you need anything else!


Small Talk about Room Services at a Hotel or Lodging

Here are six simple ways to have conversations about room services in a hotel or lodging place.



  • A: Can I get some dinner delivered?


  • B: Sure thing! What’s on your mind?


  • A: I’m craving a bottle of champagne, a lobster tail, and a filet mignon, medium rare, please.


  • B: Uh oh, looks like we’re all out of filet mignon. Would you like to try the porterhouse instead? It’s amazing!


  • A: Just bring on the champagne, please.


  • B: Perfect! I’ll throw in some chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne, on the house.


  • A: That sounds amazing! Thanks!


  • B: No problem! It’ll be up soon. Enjoy your dinner.



  • A: Do you think I could order some food? I’m famished.


  • B: Of course! What are you in the mood for?


  • A: I’m thinking champagne, lobster tail, and filet mignon, medium rare.


  • B: Sorry to say, but we’re out of filet mignon. Would you like the porterhouse instead?  It’s really good!


  • A: That’s a bummer, but porterhouse will have to do.


  • B: Want to try some chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne? They go really well together.


  • A: Nah, I’m good on the strawberries tonight. Thanks anyway!


  • B: No worries. We’ll charge your account. Your food is on its way!



  • A: Could you get me some food, please? I’m starving.


  • B: No problem, whatcha craving?


  • A:  I’d love a bottle of champagne, lobster tail, and filet mignon, medium rare.


  • B: Sir, the filet mignon was a huge hit tonight!  We’re all out. Would you like to try the porterhouse? It’s super juicy.


  • A: Ugh, no filet? Alright, the porterhouse will be fine.


  • B: Maybe some chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne?


  • A: Not tonight, but thank you.


  • B: Cool, we’ll add it to your account.


  • A: No problem.


  • B: Your food will be brought to you momentarily. I hope you enjoy it.



  • A: Can you bring me some food?  I’m ready to eat.


  • B: Sure, just tell me what you want.


  • A: A bottle of champagne, lobster tail, and filet mignon, medium rare, please.


  • B: I’m sorry to say, we’re out of filet mignon. Would you like to try the porterhouse instead?  It’s a great alternative!


  • A: That’s ok. I actually love porterhouse too!


  • B: How about some chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne?


  • A: I’d love to, but I’m allergic to strawberries.


  • B: No problem! Your food is on the way! We’ll charge it to your account.


  • A: Go right ahead.



  • A: I need some food, please!


  • B:  What are you feeling?


  • A: I’m craving champagne, lobster tail, and filet mignon, medium rare.


  • B: Hmm, we’re all out of filet mignon, I’m sorry.  How about the porterhouse?


  • A:  I’d rather have filet, but porterhouse is good, too.


  • B: I can also add some chocolate-covered strawberries to your champagne!


  • A: Just the champagne will be good for me.


  • B: Sounds good! We’ll add it to your account.


  • A: That’s fine.


  • B: It won’t be long until your food is delivered. I know you’ll enjoy it.



  • A: Can I order something from the kitchen? I’m really hungry.


  • B: Of course!  What’s on your mind?


  • A: A bottle of champagne, lobster tail, and filet mignon, medium rare would hit the spot!


  • B: I hate to tell you this, but we have no more filet mignon. May I suggest the porterhouse instead?


  • A: Yes, please! Right now, I’d even eat a hamburger!


  • B: Have you ever tried chocolate-covered strawberries with champagne?


  • A: I think I’ll just stick with the champagne this time, thanks.


  • B: Please call if you have any other requests. It’ll be up to you shortly. Enjoy!


Small Talk to Ask more Amenities at a Hotel or Lodging

Here is a simple conversation inside a hotel or lodging place asking for more amenities.


  • A: I’d like to request some more amenities.


  • B: Amenities? What do you mean by amenities, sir?


  • A: Those freebies like, soap, lotion, shampoo, that kind of stuff?


  • B: Oh, I see. Did you use up all the stuff in your room?


  • A: Nah, I’ve got plenty left.  But I want some to take home as souvenirs!


  • B: Souvenirs?


  • A: Yes, souvenirs. Trinkets to remember my trip by!


  • B: Well, we have a souvenir shop downstairs if you want to buy some.


  • A: No way! I’m not paying for hotel souvenirs! They gotta be free!


  • B: Okay, okay. I’ll call housekeeping.They’ll bring you more stuff soon.


Check-out a Hotel or Lodging Place & Getting to the airport

Here is a simple conversation for checking out your hotel or lodging place, then go to the airport.


  • Hotel: Good morning, Mr. Johnson.  Did you enjoy your stay?
  • Guest: Yes, it was wonderful! Thank you so much. I just need to check out and get to the airport.

Do you have any recommendations for a taxi service?

  • Hotel: Absolutely.  We have a partnership with “City Cabs.” They are reliable and efficient. I can call them for you right now.
  • Guest: That’s perfect, thank you!
  • Hotel: Oh, before you go would you be able to settle the mini-bar bill?
  • Guest: Oh yes certainly. How much will that be?
  • Hotel: Let’s see. The bill comes to $37.50. How would you like to pay for that?
  • Guest: I’ll pay with my Visa thanks, but I’ll need a receipt so I can charge it to my company.
  • Hotel: Absolutely. Here we are sir. If you like you can leave your bags with the porter and he can load them onto the taxi for you when it arrives.
  • Guest: That would be great thank you.
  • Hotel: Would you like to sign the hotel guest book too while you wait?
  • Guest: Sure, I had a really good stay here and I’ll tell other people to come here.
  • Hotel: That’s good to hear. Thank you again for staying at The Hilton Hotel.



So there you have it!  From making reservations to checking out and even getting to the airport, you’ve got a glimpse into the world of hotel dialogues. Remember, good communication is key to a pleasant and stress-free experience.  Now go out there and confidently check into your next hotel, knowing you’ve got the right vocabulary!


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