Conversation Questions for Discussing Shopping Part 1

Beginner Level Conversations- Series 1- Lesson 10

Shopping is always an adventure, whether you’re looking for a new outfit, some home goods, or just browsing. But if you’re shopping in English, sometimes it can feel a little tricky to know what to say. No worries! This lesson is packed with handy phrases to help you navigate those shopping conversations with confidence. From asking about sizes to trying things on and paying, you’ll find all the essential words and phrases you need.


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Small Talk in English for Doing Shopping

Here are some useful phrases you can learn when you go shopping.


How to buy clothes in English

There are different types of clothes shops. Here are some common ones:


  • Shopping center = large building with lots of different shops inside (= shopping mall in American English.)


  • Boutique = small shop, often expensive, with designer label clothes.


  • Charity shop (goodwill in American English) = shop where you can buy second-hand ( = not new) clothes. The money you pay for them goes to charity.


  • Factory outlet = shop where you can buy clothes directly from the factory that makes them. Often these clothes (or shoes) are “samples”.


  • Department store = large shop with “departments” for men’s clothes, women’s clothes, household objects, etc.


  • Chain store = a “brand” that has shops in many different towns, such as “Zara” or “H&M”.


Useful phrases a shop assistant says


  • Can I help you?
  • Are you looking for anything in particular?
  • Do you need any help at all?
  • We don’t have any of these left in stock.( = There is no more of something.)


Useful phrases a customer says:


  • I’m looking for …
  • I’d like to buy…


How to indicate a piece of clothing

  • Do you have this in …

– medium / large / small / extra large / XL

– blue / black / beige (other colors etc)


Talk about the price

Clothes shops have “sales” when some or all the clothes are discounted.


  • Is this in the sales?
  • Is this on sale?
  • There’s a discount of 20% on this.
  • These jeans are discounted by 20%.
  • It’s a bargain. (= the low price is a surprise)
  • It’s cheap. (= doesn’t cost much money)
  • It’s expensive. (= costs a lot of money.)


Try something on

When you go clothes shopping, you probably want to try something on before you buy it so you know it’s the right size or that it looks good on you!


  • I’d like to try this on please. Where are the changing rooms?
  • Can I try this on?


Sample shopping conversation

  • Can I try this on?
  • Sure. The changing rooms are over there…


… (later)


  • Any good?
  • No, not really. (It’s the wrong size / It doesn’t really suit me.)
  • Or, Yes, I’ll take it.


Make payments

  • Where can I pay?
  • The cash tills are over there.


Other shopping vocabulary


  • To suit = to be in your style, or to compliment your body shape or skin / hair color.

That dress really suits you!


  • To fit = to be the right size

These jeans don’t fit very well.


  • Clothes can be…

… too big (size “Large” when you are size “Small”)

… too small (small size when you are large size)

… too tight (waist measurement 36 when you are waist 40)

… too loose (waist measurement 42 when you are waist 38)

… too long (jeans leg measurement 36 when your leg measurement is 34)

… too short (jeans leg measurement 30 when your leg measurement is 36)


  • To go well with / to match = to look good with your other clothes.

This jumper goes well with my trousers.

This color jumper matches your new trousers.


Sample Small Talk about Shopping

Here are three sample shopping conversations.

Conversation 1

  • Can I help you?
  • Yes, I’d like to try this on, please.
  • The changing rooms are over there.


Conversation 2

  • Any good?
  • Yes, Where can I pay?
  • Over there, by the door.


Conversation 3

  • Can I help?
  • Yes, do you have this in medium?
  • Let me check for you.



So there you have it! Now you’re ready to shop like a pro, confidently communicating with shop assistants and trying on clothes like a fashion expert.  Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to try these phrases out next time you’re shopping. Happy shopping!



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