x slang words
American Slang word starting with letter X

X Slang Words

In this lesson, we cover essential American slang starting with letter X with examples. In general, slang are used mostly in casual street talks among Americans such that even international (non-native) speakers living in the USA can not understand them. Thus, you may use slang in your daily casual conversations especially with Americans. Just be careful and do NOT use slang in formal conversations like job interviews or business meetings.

Slang Recap

In our previous lesson, we covered American Slang Beginning with W.


Slang Words that Start with X


x-rated: sexually explicit; lewd behavior.

She was paid a lot of money to appear in an x-rated movie.


Xmas: Christmas.

We wish you a merry Xmas.


yack: talk nonstop.

It’s hard to concentrate when someone’s yacking on their cell phone.


yes man: a person who always answers “yes” to his or her boss; a person who agrees with a supervisor.

A strong leader is one who doesn’t surround himself with yes men.


yikes: wow! look out!

Yikes! Look at our electric bill for the month!


you betcha: yes; that’s right; you’re welcome.

A: Thanks for helping me.

B: You betcha.


you-know-what: something you don’t want to say the name of; a substitute for a vulgar word.

She was dancing when her you-know-whats popped out of her blouse .


yo-yo: a stupid person; someone who doesn’t know what he’s doing.

The yo-yo who gave me my prescription made a mistake.


yuck: a word used to describe something that you really don’t like–similar to “ick.”

A: Do you want some of this boiled spinach?

B: Yuck! No thanks. I hate spinach.


yuppie: young urban professional; a young person who makes a lot of money and usually lives in the city.

The Yuppies moving into our neighborhood are causing an increase in the cost to rent an apartment.


zilch: nothing; zero.

Thelma thought she was going to get a good tip from the table she served, but they left her with zilch.


zit: a pimple of the face; a blemish.

Joe decided not to go to school yesterday because a giant zit suddenly erupted on his nose.


zombie: a person who is incapable of concentration because of fatigue; a movie character who dies, comes back to life, and then tries to eat people.

If I don’t get at least eight hours of sleep, I’m a zombie the next day.


zoned out: unable to concentrate.

George zoned out through most of the meeting.


zonk out: to fall asleep; to go to sleep quickly and deeply.

After 12 hours of work, Tina zonked out as soon as she got home.


zoo: a situation that is out of control; chaos.

When the teacher left the classroom, it suddenly turned into a zoo.


Related Slang Lessons


English Slang Outline

If you wish to see all HiCafe lessons related to English slang, you can visit the Popular and Practical American Slang page.


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