Meaning and usage of weep word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word weep

Word of the Day: Weep

To weep is to cry.

simple past past participle
  • The man began to softly weep when he realized his cat had run away.
  • The children wept as they watched the end of a very sad movie.
  • Why is she weeping? What’s the matter?
  • There was a lot of weeping during the memorial services for the young man who died suddenly.
  • It’s hard to ignore the sound of someone weeping.

The word “weeping” is also used to describe a type of tree: the weeping willow.

  • Weeping willows thrive in wet soil conditions.
  • You will find many weeping willow trees along the banks of rivers and lakes in the Midwestern parts of the United States. (bank = the shore of a lake or river)


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