Meaning and usage of water word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word water

Word of the Day: Water

Water is a liquid that sustains life on earth. It forms when hydrogen and oxygen combine. We can’t live without water. You can use this word as a noun, a verb, and as an adjective.

  • Trees and plants need water to survive.
  • It’s a good idea to live close to a fresh supply of water, such as a lake or a river.
  • Too much water from rain results in a flood.
  • Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Celsius.

In this next set of sentences, the word “water” is a verb.

  • She’s watering her garden. (She’s providing water to her vegetables and flowers.)
  • You need to water your plants.
  • They watered their lawn.
  • The restaurant is watering down its drinks. (This means they are adding water to drinks in order to save money.)
  • My mouth waters whenever I think about eating Indian food. Yumm! (The mouth produces saliva when your brain considers delicious food.)
  • My eyes are watering because of all the smoke in here.

The words “water” or “watery” can be used as adjectives.

  • Let’s bring some water bottles when we go camping.
  • The children are having a water fight. (They’re playing with water.)
  • This spaghetti sauce is watery. (It’s not very good because there’s too much water in it.)
  • This coffee tastes watery. (The coffee isn’t strong.)

There are some common expressions that include the word “water.”

  • We need to test the waters before going any further with our plan. (test the water(s) = see how things are going.)
  • You’re in deep water now. (deep water = trouble)
  • This is all water under the bridge. (This situation is in the past and it’s not worth thinking too much about.)


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