Meaning and usage of warn word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word warn

Word of the Day: Warn

To warn is to tell someone of danger or consequences for some sort of action. The word “warn” is a verb:

simple past past participle
  • The teacher warned the student that he would get a detention if he continued misbehaving. (detention = after school punishment)
  • The police officer warned the motorist that she could get a ticket for a broken tail light.
  • Don’t do that! I’m warning you!
  • We were warned not to enter the building because it was unsafe.
  • A meteorologist on television warned us of an impending snow storm, but it never came.
  • The car I drive warns me when I get too close to another car.
  • A heart monitor warns of problems with a person’s heart.

The word “warning” is a noun:

  • The police officer let the motorist off with a warning. (to let someone off = to allow to go without a consequence)
  • Martha gave her son a warning when he came home late.
  • The teacher gave the student a warning.
  • This is your final warning.
  • The national weather service issued a warning for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in our area.
  • Warning lights and a guard rail indicate when a train is crossing the road.
  • A warning light on the dashboard of your car can tell you if you are low on gas or oil.


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