Meaning and usage of useful word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word useful

Word of the Day: Useful

A person or a thing that is useful is good to have because it makes a job or a task easier to complete.

  • A hammer is a useful tool for building things or tearing things apart.
  • It’s useful to have a calculator for adding and subtracting numbers.
  • A daily planner or a schedule is useful for planning meetings or knowing what is happening during the month.
  • Cash is very useful if you don’t have a credit card.
  • A rolling pin is useful when rolling dough for baking things.
  • A diskette is not very useful anymore because people nowadays store information on their computer or in the cloud. Diskettes and floppy disks are practically useless. (The word “useless” is the opposite of “useful.)
  • A tape recorder is useful for recording a person’s voice or music, but you can also use a phone for that purpose.

The word “usefulness” is a noun.

  • The usefulness of an invention is determined by how many people actually need to use it.
  • There is no doubt about the usefulness of a cell phone. It holds many useful applications.
  • When a machine or a thing outlives its usefulness, it is no longer manufactured, or it becomes an antique.
  • Typewriters have outlived their usefulness.


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