Meaning and usage of use word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word use

Word of the Day: Use

If you follow the Word of the Day section on this website, you have heard the word “use” when referring to how a word can function in a sentence as a verb, a noun, an adjective, etc. In these sentences, I’ll show some other ways to use “use.”

simple past past participle
  • I use my car to get to work.
  • Sometimes I use the bus or my bike.
  • What do you use for transportation?
  • Many people these days use a cell phone for making phone calls and browsing the internet.
  • Do you use Twitter or Facebook?
  • Many teachers these days use computers when they teach a class.
  • I used to use a chalkboard when I first started teaching. Now I use a whiteboard.

It’s very common to hear the word “use” when talking about cooking and eating:

  • Bob uses a lot of ketchup when he eats french fries.
  • Don’t use too much salt. It isn’t good for you.
  • Sarah used up all the eggs when she made breakfast this morning. (use up = use all of something)
  • How much sugar did you use to make your cookies?
  • I like to use fresh ginger and garlic when making Chinese food.

Of course, the word “use” is often applied when talking about grammar, spelling, and punctuation:

  • Are you good at using irregular verbs?
  • It’s necessary to learn how to use adjectives and adverbs properly.
  • When spelling words that end in a “y,” use an “i” instead of a “y” if those words are plural or in the past tense.
  • You should always use a period at the end of a statement and a question mark at the end of a question.

As a noun, the pronunciation of this word changes to use (The “s” sounds like an “s.”). This is an important difference.

  • A cell phone has many different uses.
  • Do you use a cell phone? (In this question, “use” is a verb. Do you hear the difference?)
  • I had no use for an English book, so I gave it to one of my students.
  • The use of a dictionary is helpful when you study.


Essential English Dictionary

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