Meaning and usage of treat word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word treat

Word of the Day: Treat

When the word “treat” is used as a verb, it means to take care of someone, to regard or behave in a particular manner towards someone or something:

  • The doctor treated his patient for a serious illness.
  • I was treated for a sinus infection. (This sentence is in the passive voice, past tense.)
  • The little girl is being treated for a broken arm.
  • A customer at the store felt that she wasn’t being treated very well by the salesperson, so she left.
  • How well are you treated by your children? (Do they respect you? Are they kind to you?)
  • How do you treat your body? Do you take care of yourself?
  • George treated everyone at the bar to a free drink. (to “treat” sometimes means to pay for others.)
  • Let me treat you to lunch. (Let me take you out for lunch, and I’ll pay.)

The word “treat” can also be a noun. In this case, a treat is something very nice or something that tastes good:

  • There were treats for the children at the party.
  • It was a treat to see my old friends again.
  • Cindy is trying to stay away from treats after dinner because she wants to lose weight.
  • It’s not a good idea to give your dog too many treats.
  • Ice cream is a tasty treat.

If you add the “ment” suffix to “treat,” that forms the word “treatment.”

  • That man is receiving a treatment for his back.
  • The students protested their unfair treatment at the hands of their teacher.
  • The proper treatment of your employees will earn their respect.


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