Meaning and usage of thank word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word thank

Word of the Day: Thank

When a person appreciates what another person does, he or she gives thanks or says thanks to that person.

These sentences use “thank” as a verb:

simple past past participle
  • We thanked our server for the food she brought to the table.
  • Mario always thanks the person who brings him his newspaper in the morning.
  • The passengers in the car thanked God for their safety following the accident.
  • Have you thanked your employees for all of their hard work?
  • I’d like to thank you for your support.

These sentences use “thank” as a noun:

  • Everyone at the table gave thanks for the food that they were about to eat.
  • Meredith wrote a note of thanks to her friend who gave her a bracelet.
  • During Thanksgiving, Americans express their thanks for all the good things that they have in their lives.

Sometimes the words “thank-you” are hyphenated and used as an adjective:

  • Louis and Cindy wrote out thank-you notes to the people who attended their wedding and gave them wedding gifts.
  • James received a thank-you letter from the governor of the state for his service in Afghanistan.


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