Meaning and usage of take word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word take

Word of the Day: Take

The word “take” is used in many different ways. It’s an irregular verb, but it can also be used as a noun.

We use “take” when bringing something, using something, having something, studying, traveling, or talking about time.

simple past past participle
  • I took a picture with my phone.
  • Don’t forget to take a coat with you today.
  • Have you ever taken a trip by boat?
  • What does it take to get ahead in life?
  • How many classes are you taking this term?
  • Have you ever taken a German class?
  • This won’t take long.
  • It takes a lot of patience to do this job.
  • It took 20 minutes to get to work by bike this morning.
  • The medicine should be taken on a full stomach.
  • How do you take your tea?
  • A little boy took something from the store. (He stole something.)
  • Someone has to take charge here. (Someone needs to be a leader and be in command.)
  • The doctor wants to take a look at some X-rays.
  • It’s important to take time to be with your kids.
  • Is this seat taken? (Is someone sitting here? In this question, “taken” is an adjective.)

The word “take” is highly idiomatic and found in many verb phrases:

  • Our company is taking on new employees next month. (take on = hire)
  • The medical procedure didn’t take. (It didn’t work.)
  • Jeremy says he wants to take up yoga. (He wants to begin doing it.)
  • Sheila took up acting in college and eventually became an actress.
  • Many European countries say that they can’t take in any more refugees. (take in = accept)
  • Joe says he can take on anyone. (take on = fight and win)
  • Do you take me for a fool? I don’t trust you. (take someone for = believe to be something or someone)
  • The boat is taking on water. (take on water = There’s a leak.)
  • That dog really takes to water. (She likes water.)
  • I’ll have to take this matter up with my supervisor. (take something up with = discuss with a person in authority)
  • Most people were taken aback by the election results. (They were surprised.)

Sometimes the word “take” is used as a noun:

  • What’s your take on this situation? (take = opinion)
  • The director wants to do another take. (take = a shot with a camera)
  • The senator was found guilty of being on the take. (He was corrupt and receiving money illegally.)


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