Meaning and usage of religion word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word religion

Word of the Day: Religion

religion is an organized set of beliefs regarding our world, our universe, nature, and the role of humanity in all of these things. It provides comfort to people whose lives are under stress, and it provides a way for people to come together to create a sense of community.

Here are some ways in which you might hear the word “religion” used in sentences and questions:

  • Fernando’s religion is very important to him.
  • He’s serious about his religion.
  • It’s not polite to make fun of another person’s religion.
  • What’s your religion? (But be careful if you ask this question. Religion is a very private matter for some people.)
  • Do you follow any particular religion?
  • Certain behavior might be against a person’s religion.
  • I can’t do that. It’s against my religion.
  • In the United States, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides protection for people to practice their religion.
  • Freedom of religion is an important value here.
  • The Second Amendment also allows for freedom from religion. (You don’t have to practice a religion.)

The word “religious” is an adjective.

  • Maria is a very religious person.
  • Her whole family is religious.
  • Religious instruction is a part of the school day in a Catholic school.
  • A religious service usually precedes (comes before) a burial when there’s a funeral.


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