Meaning and usage of rail word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word rail

Word of the Day: Rail

rail is a long bar or track that helps to move something from one place to another. This word is often used as part of other words.

  • The man held onto the rail as he walked down the stairs.
  • He held onto the railing. (rail = railing)
  • The company uses the rails for transporting goods.
  • It uses the railways.
  • Many commuters in our city use the light rail system. (light rail = train)
  • The best way to travel through Europe is by rail.
  • Companies in the U.S. save money by moving heavy freight* by rail.
  •  Freight can be shipped by rail.
  •  He’s holding onto the railing.
  • She’s sliding down a railing on her skateboard.
  •  This sign shows the presence of railroad tracks.

*freight: large quantities of goods or materials that must be moved over a long distance.


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