Meaning and usage of racism word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word racism

Word of the Day: Racism

The word “racism” is a noun. This word refers to a person’s beliefs of human superiority or inferiority based on ethnic background, skin color, or national identity. Racism is widely believed to be a problem, wherever it may exist. Very few people believe that racism is a good thing that should be supported or promoted.

  • Most schools in the United States do not tolerate racism.
  • To believe that a person has particular strengths or weaknesses based solely on skin color is a good example of racism.
  • The institution of slavery lasted for hundreds of years in the American South. Slavery lasted for so long primarily because of racism.
  • To believe that people are worth less or should be valued more because of where they are from or what they look like is racism.
  • Racism is prevalent in countries all over the world.
  • A majority of Americans reject racism, but a significant minority of Americans clearly support it.

The word “racist” is an adjective:

  • He’s clearly a racist. (clearly = obviously)
  • He has racist beliefs.
  • Racist beliefs come from a culture in which a person is raised.
  • Racists try to pass their beliefs on to their children.
  • The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a national organization based in the United States. People who belong to the KKK admit that they are racists.


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