Word of the Day: Perfect
The word “perfect” means that something or a situation is very, very good. It’s similar in meaning to the word “ideal.”
This word is often used as an adjective:
- She has a perfect voice for the choir.
- Her performance was perfect.
- She tries to be perfect.
- Hilda got a perfect score on her test. (She didn’t get any answers wrong.)
- Today is a perfect day for a picnic. There’s not a cloud in the sky and the weather is warm.
The adverb form for this word is “perfectly.”
- This cheese is perfectly safe to eat, even though it has a little mold on it.
- Tony played perfectly during the match.
- Everything went perfectly.
The word “perfection” is a noun:
- The weather today is absolute perfection.
- Perfection is hard to achieve.
- She wants nothing less than perfection.
This word can also be a verb, but in this case the accent is on the second syllable: perfect
- She perfected her pronunciation of English with daily practice.
- He’s trying to perfect his performance.
- This is impossible to perfect.
Essential English Dictionary
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