Meaning and usage of pave word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word pave

Word of the Day: Pave

To pave is to put down a surface, such as a road, a highway, or a sidewalk.

  • Construction workers are paving the highway.
  • The highway was paved with asphalt.
  • Some American cities have streets that were paved with bricks or cobblestones.
  • Our patio was paved with pavers. A paver is a rectangular block of concrete.

The word “paved” is used as an adjective:

  • Most small roads in rural areas are paved, but it’s also very common to see gravel roads. (gravel = rock and sand)
  • A newly paved road is nice and smooth.
  • Concrete provides a longer lasting paved surface compared to asphalt.

The word “pavement” is a noun. This is used when referring to a hard concrete or asphalt surface.

  • Winter weather is hard on pavement.
  • The pavement gets very hot in the summer.
  • You can see skid marks on the pavement where someone hit the breaks and left a skid mark.

The word “pave” is often used as a type of metaphor, and it’s also found in some expressions:

  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  • You can’t easily pave over a serious problem. It has to be dealt with directly.
  • The Republicans paved over their differences and moved forward as a unified party.
  • Jackie Robinson paved the way for other black baseball players to join the major leagues.
  • He paved the way for others to follow.


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