Meaning and usage of pass word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word pass

Word of the Day: Pass

Sometimes the word “pass” is used when one person gives something to another person:

  •  Jorge passed the ball to his teammate. (“Pass” is commonly used in basketball, football, and soccer.)
  • The family passed food around the table as they ate dinner.
  • The government passed on some very important information to our company.
simple past past participle

You can also use “pass” when going past* another person or thing.

  • A car passed us on the highway. It was going over 85 miles per hour.
  • If you happen to pass by the supermarket, please pick up some milk.
  • An eagle just passed over our heads.

When a student achieves the minimum requirements of a school, he or she passes; however, passing a class does not always indicate that a person is a successful student:

  • Henry barely passed all of his classes this year.
  • Natalie didn’t pass her math class. She has to take it again next year.
  • People who pass the bar exam can become lawyers.

The word “pass” is often used when a person dies:

  • Elizabeth Taylor passed away a few years ago.
  • Do you have a will that explains where all of your possessions go when you pass away?
  • After I pass away, this website will be my legacy.

When objects or ideas go from one generation to the next, we can use this word:

  • We have some recipes in our family that have been passed down through several generations.
  • Angela passed some valuable gold necklaces on to her granddaughter.

Finally, when someone is attracted to another person, a pass might be made. In this case, the word becomes a noun:

  • He made a pass at the woman, and she rejected it.
  • A girl made a pass at Bob, but he didn’t realize it.
  • If a supervisor makes a pass at an employee, that can result in some legal problems.

* Note: There’s a difference in spelling between the words, “pass” and “past.” The word “past” is a preposition.


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