Meaning and usage of narrow word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word narrow

Word of the Day: Narrow

The opposite of wide is narrow. When there is very little space on either side of an opening, or when something looks thin or skinny, the word “narrow” might be a good choice.

  • The walkways and streets in some European cities can be quite narrow.
  • Many people fold in the side mirrors on their cars when parked on narrow streets.
  • Some canals are too narrow for large ships to pass through.
  • Narrow neckties were popular in the 1980s.
  • To achieve an hourglass figure, some women try to make their waist look narrow by wearing a corset.

It’s also possible to use the word “narrow” when describing something that happens or doesn’t happen:

  • The fish made a narrow escape from the fisherman’s net. (In this sentence, “narrow” is an adjective.)
  • The fish narrowly escaped capture. (In this sentence, “narrowly” is an adverb.)
  • A person who chooses not to pursue a good education narrows his or her opportunities later in life. (In this sentence, “narrow” is a verb.)
  • Low interest rates and a weak economy presented a narrow opportunity for home buyers who wanted to save on mortgage expenses.


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