Meaning and usage of mop word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word mop

Word of the Day: Mop

mop is used for cleaning floors. It’s similar to a broom except that it’s usually made of some type of cloth. This word can be used as a verb or as a noun.

  • A mop is often used when cleaning a floor with soapy water.
  • If there’s a liquid mess on the floor, I use a bucket and a mop to clean it up.
  • You have to wring out a mop when cleaning any liquid or water up off of the floor.
  • To wring a mop is to squeeze the water out of it.
  • A dust mop doesn’t require water. It’s used for picking up dust and hair off of the floor.
  • I have to mop the floor.
  • Hard floors needs to be mopped in order to get up all of the dirt that a broom doesn’t get.
  • How often do you mop your floors?


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