Meaning and usage of mood word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word mood

Word of the Day: Mood

The word “mood” is a noun that refers to the way a person feels or a person’s outlook.

  • How do you feel today? Are you in a good mood or a bad mood?
  • I’m usually in a good mood early in the morning.
  • Our supervisor is in a bad mood today.
  • Jenny’s mood is affected by the weather.
  • Some women experience wild mood swings when they are pregnant.
  • This music is putting everyone into a good mood.
  • The loss of the soccer match put the fans into a foul mood.
  • The music in this movie creates a very dark mood.
  • The mood around the office is pretty bad because the workers are expecting layoffs. (People are going to lose their jobs.)

The word “moody” is an adjective, which often means that a person can be upset easily or a person is often disagreeable.

  • Tim’s wife is often moody. He can’t say or do anything right when she’s in a bad mood.
  • Why are you so moody today?
  • Sam has a reputation for being kind of moody.


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