Meaning and usage of modify word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word modify

Word of the Day: Modify

To modify something is to change it, improve it, describe it, or make it new.

  • Our neighbors are modifying their house with a large addition to the kitchen.
  • Mechanics modified the engine of the car in order to make it go faster.
  • The entrance of the building is being modified in order to accommodate people in wheelchairs.
  • Tom modified his lawnmower so that it could cut the grass by remote control.
  • Any attempt to modify a product you purchase will probably invalidate the warranty. (If you try to change the thing you purchased, you won’t be able to return it to the store.)
  • An adjective modifies a noun.
  • An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

The word “modified” is an adjective:

  • He’s riding a modified skateboard that has a small gas-powered engine in the back.
  • A modified Toyota Supra won the automobile race.
  • A modified version of the candidates’s speech had a softer, less aggressive tone than the original version.
  • The company took a modified approach to marketing its products by including more people of color in its TV commercials.

The word “modification” is a noun:

  • We made a few modifications to our kitchen to admit more sunlight.
  • Modifications made to the robot improved its performance.
  • Modifications to the operating system of the computer will bring it up to date.
  • Roger installed some mods to the game so that it was more interesting to play. (The word “mod” is a shortened form of “modification.”)


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