Meaning and usage of moan word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word moan

Word of the Day: Moan

To moan is to make a sound when in pain, or a person is upset about something:

  • The man moaned in pain while he waited to see the dentist about a toothache.
  • People could be heard moaning after the accident.
  • The students moaned when they heard about their test results.
  • You shouldn’t moan. Be happy with what you have.
  • What are you moaning about?
  • Stop your moaning and get to work. (This sentence uses “moan” as a gerund.”
  • He’s moaning because his stomach hurts.

The word “moan” can also be used as a noun:

  • Moans could be heard underneath the rubble of the collapsed building following the earthquake.
  • Several moans were audible after the verdict came back “not guilty.”


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