Meaning and usage of map word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word map

Word of the Day: Map

map is a picture or a guide for finding the location of a place. Maps may also include information about geography, distances, industries, parks, and other places of interest.

  • She’s using a map.
  • If you don’t use a map, you might get lost.
  • I carry a road map in my car.
  • You can find a local map at a service station.
  • If you have a smart phone, you can use Google maps.
  • A world map shows the locations of countries around the world, but it’s not an accurate portrayal of size and distance because it’s flat. A globe is round and more accurate.

The word “map” is also used as a verb. The preposition “out” goes with it to form “map out.” To map out is to plan or create a route.

  • Horatio is trying to map out his future.
  • We mapped out a route for a road trip from Chicago to Miami.
  • Early explorers in North America mapped safe routes for travelers to follow in order to cross the continent.


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