Meaning and usage of lick word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word lick

Word of the Day: Lick

The verb “lick” is used to describe the use of the tongue for eating, tasting, and applying moisture to something:

  • The cat is licking her paw.
  • He’s licking an ice cream cone.
  • Jose is licking an envelope.

“Lick” is a regular verb:

simple past past participle
  • Billy licked the sucker until it was gone.
  • Mary licked a small cut on her hand.
  • Don’t let the baby lick that. It’ll make him sick!
  • Their team got licked. They lost the match by 20 points.*

* Note: To “get licked” or “be licked” is to be beaten in competition or in a fight. You can also use the word “lick” to describe a punishment: The little boy got licked for stealing money from his mother.


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