Meaning and usage of leap word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word leap

Word of the Day: Leap

The word “leap” is similar to the word “jump.” This word also has both literal and figurative meanings.

In these sentences, “leap” is a noun:

  • The boys took a leap into the ocean.
  • Going from Eritrea to the United States was a big leap for Jonas.
  • Ariel took a long, flying leap off of the diving board and into the water.
  • To leave your native country and move to a different country under the belief that things will be better there requires a huge leap of faith. (leap of faith = a belief in a good result)
  • “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” (Neil Armstrong commenting upon his landing on the moon in 1969.)

The word “leap” is also used as a verb:

simple past past participle
  • The squirrel was able to leap from one tree branch to another without falling.
  • A toad leaped into a hole during a storm. (The past tense for “leap” is also “leapt.” Both forms are acceptable.)
  • Kevin is probably going to leap over everyone else in class; he’s very smart.
  • My dog can easily leap over this fence.


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