Meaning and usage of jittery word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word jittery

Word of the Day: Jittery

A person who is jittery is nervous.

  • Cindy feels a little jittery just before she takes a test.
  • Elias got jittery during his job interview.
  • A jittery group of children entered the classroom on the first day of school.
  • Sara feels jittery around her boss. (She feels nervous whenever he’s nearby.)
  • Driving on the ice and snow makes Amina feel all jittery.

When used a noun, this word is almost always plural and it usually refers to an uncontrollable movement in which the body shakes.

  • He’s got a bad case of the jitters.
  • Tom got the jitters.
  • The man who just arrived at the detox center has the jitters following three days without a drink of alcohol.

Cultural note: In the 1930’s and 1940’s a popular dance called “the jitterbug” thrilled young people and shocked their parents. Some of the movements are jittery, thus the name of the dance.


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