Meaning and usage of jinx word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word jinx

Word of the Day: Jinx

jinx is kind of like a curse. When a person has a run of bad luck, he or she might claim that a jinx is to blame. To believe in a jinx is to be superstitious. If you aren’t superstitious, you won’t be affected a jinx.

  • Jimmy feels as though he has been jinxed because he’s been so unlucky lately.
  • He’s afraid to leave the house because of this jinx.
  • He believes someone jinxed him.
  • Do you believe in jinxes?
  • How do you get rid of a jinx?
  • Jennifer is afraid that she’s become a jinx for her favorite baseball team. Every time she attends the baseball games at their home field, they lose. She feels that she can only watch the baseball games on TV. She doesn’t want to be a jinx.


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