Word of the Day: Jam
In the first set of sentences, the word “jam” means that something or someone is unable to move, or it can mean that something prevents or limits movement.
- There was a big traffic jam following the accident. (This sentence uses “jam” as a noun.)
- My photocopier used to get jammed all the time, so we got a new one. (This sentence uses “jam” as a verb.)
- There’s a paper jam in the photocopier. (This sentence uses “jam” as a noun.)
- Signals to and from cell phones are sometimes jammed by tall buildings.
- The stores are often jammed with shoppers after Thanksgiving and before Christmas.
- Tokyo is known for having jammed subway cars. (This sentence uses “jam” as an adjective.)
- You shouldn’t try to jam too much into your suitcase when you go on a trip. Try to leave a little space.
Musicians who get together to play music jam:
- The jam session lasted until two in the morning.
- Alan would like to learn how to jam with other musicians who play the blues.
- Let’s get together and jam sometime.
“Jam” is also something that you can eat in the form of spreadable fruit. It’s similar to marmalade or jelly.
- Joey loves strawberry jam on toast.
- Sarah doesn’t like raspberry jam because of all the seeds in it.
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