Meaning and usage of intense word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word intense

Word of the Day: Intense

The word “intense” is an adjective that describes something or someone that is very strong or has a strong emotional response to things:

  • Joe is a very intense guy. He really works hard at everything he does.
  • This is a very intense situation that requires the police and the fire department to be here.
  • There’s an intense rivalry between those two teams.
  • Bill and Dora had an intense relationship that lasted for two years before they broke up.
  • The flavors in Thai food are very intense. (This would be regarded as a good thing.)
  • That movie was so intense! (It was exciting and there was a a lot of action and suspense.)
  • Oh man, this is intense!

The word “intensity” is a noun:

  • The intensity of the heat from the fire made it impossible for firefighters to get close to the burning house.
  • Roberta quit going to college because the intensity of studying was too much* for her.
  • The intesity of the heat was too much for him. He needed to take a rest.

*too much = very difficult


Essential English Dictionary

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