Meaning and usage of idle word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word idle

Word of the Day: Idle

A person or a thing that is idle is not moving or is not busy.

  • When the manager of the store noticed that several of his employees were idle, he gave them work to do.
  • The plant had too many idle employees during the recession, so they were laid off.
  • Farmers let their fields go idle in order to restore nutrients to the soil.
  • That empty store has been idle for years.
  • Idle inventory at a store is marked down until it finally sells. (marked down = priced is reduced)
  • Boredom is the result of an idle mind.
  • Idle hands are the devil’s workshop. (This is a kind of an expression. It means that people who are not busy may be attracted to bad behavior.)

When the word “idle” is used as a verb, it’s often in reference to a car that has its engine running, but it’s not moving.

  • In the winter, Dan lets his car idle for about five minutes before he drives it.
  • Cars that idle for too long are ticketed by the police because they pollute the air.
  • A thief stole a car that was idling outside of a gas station. It was easy to steal because the keys were in the ignition.


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