Meaning and usage of hearty word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word hearty

Word of the Day: Hearty

The word “hearty” is used when someone is cheerful or happily willing to do something. It’s a positive adjective. The most common use for this word is in describing a person’s ability to consume large amounts of food.

  • He has a hearty appetite. (He eats a lot.)
  • The victorious team received a hearty welcome from the people of the city.
  • They received a hearty round of applause.
  • Lawmakers gave their hearty approval to the plans for a new high-speed rail line.
  • The mayor of the city won re-election thanks to the hearty turnout by his supporters.
  • Hearty lovers of cold weather look forward to sub-zero temperatures during the winter.

The word “heartiness” is a noun.

  • The people of that state are known for their heartiness and good nature.
  • The glow of the young woman’s face radiated her heartiness.

Note: This word is often confused with “hardy.” The meanings for both words are very similar, so don’t worry if you make a mistake, especially when speaking, because the pronunciation for both words is the same.


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