Meaning and usage of gender word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word gender

Word of the Day: Gender

Use the word “gender” when speaking about the differences among animals or people. A person is either male or female. This is an important word to understand when filling out application forms or forms for government agencies.


  • male
  • female

Sometimes the word “sex” is used in place of gender. What’s the person’s sex? What’s the person’s gender? These questions have the same meaning.

  • What’s the gender of the child?
  • The expectant parents asked the doctor not to reveal their baby’s gender.
  • It’s not legal in the United States to discriminate on the basis of gender.
  • Sometimes it’s necessary to segregate students according to gender.
  • Gender roles are changing. Now it’s not uncommon for a man to stay home and take care of the children while his wife works.
  • Many countries in the world struggle with gender equality.


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